Welcome to the Atelier Paleo

Creation of prehistoric knives with silex or obsidian blades.
Manufacture of facsimiles of archaeological pieces: silex arrowheads, bifaces, axe blades, or any other prehistoric tools.
Animation of children's and adults' workshops to initiate them to prehistory.
Training of trainees in prehistoric techniques such as flintknapping, friction fire, but also in the work of other materials such as deer antler, bone, vegetable wood...

Experimentation of prehistoric techniques is at the heart of my life.

couteau silex C1606 couteau silex C506 couteau silex C507 couteau silex C607 couteau silex C707 couteau silex C807 pointe de flèche P2807 animation feu au chateau d'Aleret animation tir au propdivseur à Polignac animation feu au château d'Aleret essorage de la peau animation peinture pariétal intervention taille du silex parure PA406 grattage de la peau coucher de soleil avec notre teepee

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